- Are UN staff members overpaid? 联合国工作人员的薪酬是否过高?
- Do UN staff members have too many benefits? 联合国工作人员是否享有太多福利?
- The vast majority of UN staff members do not enjoy diplomatic status and are subject to the laws of the country in which they are serving. 大多数联合国工作人员并不具有外交人员身份,须遵守所在国家的法律。联合国工作人员须缴纳“工作人员薪金税”。
- Some staff members are beginning to mutter about the new president. 有些职员开始抱怨新任的总经理。
- Some of the teachers and staff members board out. 有些住在学校的教职工在外搭伙。
- Are both developed and developing countries fairly represented among UN staff? 联合国工作人员中,来自发达国家和发展中国家的工作人员比例是否公平?
- Are the following functions performed by different staff members? 下列职务是否由不同职员负责
- The staff members are jammed into a nest of claustrophobic offices. 工作人员被塞进让人会感到幽闭恐怖的办公室里。
- Our staff members will be delighted to accomodate all your needs. 我们热情的工作人员会很乐意满足您各方面的需要。
- The feminine staff members will be hosting a charity event. 女职工将集体举办一次慈善活动。
- All the staff members should be at their office dest by 9am. 工作人员必须在9:00前到达各自的办公桌前。
- To assure high standards for UN staff,Member States have stipulated that UN professional salaries should be comparable to those of the highest-paid national civil service. 为确保联合国有高质量的工作人员,会员国规定,联合国专业人员的薪金应与薪酬最高的国家的公务员制度所支付的薪金不相上下。
- Aviva, a senior staff member said: "燕姿are to support our friends. 一名英杰华高级职员透露:“燕姿是来支持我们的朋友。”
- To assure high standards for UN staff, Member States have stipulated that UN professional salaries should be comparable to those of the highest-paid national civil service. 为确保联合国有高质量的工作人员,会员国规定,联合国专业人员的薪金应与薪酬最高的国家的公务员制度所支付的薪金不相上下。
- I wonder if I'll get to be an expert like the older staff member. 我是不是能像老职员一样成为专家。
- Ten staff members chose to relocate to Taipei. 有十位同仁选择调到台北。
- But most Senegalese are un insure d, especially the poor -- a common story across Africa and elsewhere. 但是大部分塞内加尔人没有保险,尤其是穷人,这在非洲和其他地区都非常普遍。
- The staff members are jammed into a nest of claustrophobic offices). 工作人员被塞进让人会感到幽闭恐怖的办公室里)。
- Several senior staff members defended the decision. 几位高级职员为这项决定进行了辩护。
- You can also let staff members take care of them. 您也可以把他们交给工作人员照管。